Zakłady Metalowe DEZAMET S.A. signed another agreement with the Armament Inspectorate for the modernization of 120 mm HEI mortar ammunition. The ammunition is used in M120 RAK self-propelled mortars.
The agreement includes the modernization and delivery of 10.5 thousand 120 mm OF-834BM HEI mortar ammunition units to the Polish Armed Forces in 2021-2022. The total gross value of the agreement is PLN 65.5 million.
− With the increasing number of RAK company-level fire modules in the Armed Forces, it is natural to increase the consumption of training resources. The 120 mm ammunition we modernized is the basic cartridge used by the crews of teams operating with M120 self-propelled mortars. It should be mentioned that this year we completed the research and elaborated the documentation necessary to launch the production of a new type of ammunition dedicated for these mortars. I hope that we will soon sign an agreement for the delivery of 120 mm cartridges of a new type and we will immediately begin its implementation – said Tomasz Wawrzkowicz, President of the Management Board of ZM Dezamet S.A.
This is the second agreement for the delivery of such ammunition to the Polish Army. The first one, signed in 2016 for a total of 6,318 units, was successfully completed in 2017-2019.
Zakłady Metalowe DEZAMET S.A. produces a wide range of artillery, mortar and grenade launcher ammunition. Additionally, the company provides services and sales in the field of civil production and metalworking, and has an accredited research and measurement laboratory. The company is the winner of many awards, including the prestigious Defender award, granted during the International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO in Kielce.